Writing: Intro to Writing Magic
In this course module, we discuss how to obtain and maintain creative ideas.
Pre-order available now!
*Feb-Mar* Writing: From Start to Finish (Tier 1)
*2/6-3/6* Tiers 2 & 3 PLUS: You will also receive one-on-one intensive instructor feedback (critique, coaching, editing) and an hour-long Zoom meeting to discuss/workshop your project.
Pre-order available now!
*Feb-Mar* Writing: From Start to Finish (Tier 2)
*2/6-3/6* Tier 3 PLUS: In this course you will also receive one-on-one instructor and classmate feedback.
Pre-order available now!
*Feb-Mar* Writing: From Start to Finish (Tier 3)
*2/6-3/6* Covered: the basics of beginning, plotting, outlining, development, and revision. In this course we will also touch on staying encouraged and persevering to the end!